Next Upcoming Events in Portugal are planned for February 2025!

What are the differences in my
Breathwork Journeys?
There are different kinds of Breathwork Sessions I offer you can choose what’s best for your goal and as well for your personal state of being.
Most of the journey’s are deep psychodelic breathwork journey’s, where we enter the subconcsious mind in order to let go of old patterns, trauma from the body and any kind of stuck emotions.
The more gentle sessions and with a different goal are the Tantric Breathwork journey, the trauma release journey and the Activating Journey.
For more experienced breathers I do offer as well a mystical journey, where it’s up to you to decide the breathing pattern and the goal. The music is chakra aligned, invites to connect with the ancestors and takes you on a deep journey.
Please talk to me if you have any doubts and questions!
Psychodelic Breathwork
- Characteristic: deep relaxing, powerful breathing pattern
- Goal: Entering your subconscious mind, release stuck energy, pain, trauma, wounds
- Duration: 90 – 120 Min.
- Benefits: unblock energy, dissolve trauma, limiting believes, old wounds, heal physical issues
- Contraindications: see below!
Tantric Breathwork
- Characteristic: Gentle but energizing breathing pattern
- Goal: Activating your Kundalini energy, work with your 2nd chakra/lifeforce energy, cleaning the engery centers, open up energy centers, feel lifeforce energy
- Duration: 60 Minutes
- Benefits: moving stuck energy, feeling alive, vibrant, increasing creativity, sexual engery, libido, having better and more intense organsms, transforming low vibrating energy into higher vibrations
- Contraindications: See below
Trauma Release Breathwork
- Characteristic: Pendulation-Titration-Resourcing, very gentle breathing pattern alternating with resourcing breaks
- Goal: Releasing trauma from body and mind in a safe and protected space, diving in a very slow and gentle pace into the subconscious
- Duration: max. 60 Min plus preparation integration
- Benefits: releasing trauma, living a more liberated life
- Contraindiations: see below!
Alina von Pein – Sei Du Atelier

Alina Mommsen – Lotus Yoga


Impressions of recent sessions
events portugal
Cacao, Movement, Breathwork, Mindful Fitness, Dance, Kombination, Combination, Algarve, Lagoa